Wednesday, February 28, 2007

[coping strategies]

We sometimes lose track of our emotions that we forget the simplest things can calm us down.

  1. Zoning out with music blasting in ur ears.
  2. Prayer and meditation.
  3. Exercise..simple stretches will do.
  4. Think positive thoughts.
  5. Talk to someone who understands.
  6. Talk to someone who you think might understand.
  7. Cry it out.
  8. Play literati..or any game that will help u zone out.
  9. Read a really boring book, or better yet, your lecture notes.
  10. Breathe.
  11. Laughter therapy. (try this: force urself to go HAHA, HOHO, HEHE. U might find it silly at first...but after awhile u'll find urself laughing naturally. no kidding)
  12. Pamper yourself. A massage, chocolates, a good shower, whatever that works.
  13. Writing down your thoughts.
  14. Connecting with your body - try to understand why u're feeling what u're feeling.
  15. Get a good night's sleep.

Now I just gotta remind myself to do them.


florenceyang said...

good tat u hv found ways to cope

Unknown said...

Glad for you too! But please don't cry and laugh simultaneously! Absolutely agree on the point about trying to understand the way u feel.. But got to accept upon understanding too :) Forge on, girl!

princesssaf said...

hey miss gek...finally got a comment from u. haha. thanks girl :)