- Zoning out with music blasting in ur ears.
- Prayer and meditation.
- Exercise..simple stretches will do.
- Think positive thoughts.
- Talk to someone who understands.
- Talk to someone who you think might understand.
- Cry it out.
- Play literati..or any game that will help u zone out.
- Read a really boring book, or better yet, your lecture notes.
- Breathe.
- Laughter therapy. (try this: force urself to go HAHA, HOHO, HEHE. U might find it silly at first...but after awhile u'll find urself laughing naturally. no kidding)
- Pamper yourself. A massage, chocolates, a good shower, whatever that works.
- Writing down your thoughts.
- Connecting with your body - try to understand why u're feeling what u're feeling.
- Get a good night's sleep.
Now I just gotta remind myself to do them.
good tat u hv found ways to cope
Glad for you too! But please don't cry and laugh simultaneously! Absolutely agree on the point about trying to understand the way u feel.. But got to accept upon understanding too :) Forge on, girl!
hey miss gek...finally got a comment from u. haha. thanks girl :)
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